Enrolment Procedure
  • After your child’s place at St. Michael’s International School has been confirmed, the School will send you a welcome email to prepare for your child’s first day at School.  This will contain information such as school uniform guidelines, lunch information and how to access the online parents page.
  • If accepted for mid-year entry, the child may enrol after a minimum of two full school days after the school receives the ‘Acceptance of Place Form’ from the parent, to allow the School to make necessary preparation.  (e.g. When the ‘Acceptance of Place Form’ is submitted to School Office on Wednesday, the child may start school on Monday.)
  • Essential documents required (e.g. Medical Form and Emergency Contact Form) must be completed and submitted by the first day of school.
  • School uniform must be purchased before the enrolment date.
  • All school fees must be paid prior to entry to the School.  An invoice will be sent to the email addresses indicated on the online application form after the enrolment is confirmed by both the School and the parents.


After Enrolling at St. Michael’s International School

By accepting a place at St. Michael’s International School, parents agree to:

  • Pay fees promptly, upon receipt of invoice,as outlined in the Payment Policy
  • Take an active and supportive role in the life of the School
  • Be able to communicate with the teachers and staff in English (Please note school is not able to provide any translation services at this time)
  • Be willing to work with the child at home in their native tongue (i.e. encourage reading, help with homework, etc.)
  • Be responsible for familiarising themselves with the most up-to-date Parent Handbook, uniform guidelines, electronic newsletter (‘The Messenger’), other school documents and letters which they will receive after acceptance has been made confirmed

Parents achieve this by:

  • Recognising and supporting the authority and responsibilities of SMIS staff and administration to carry out their educational work
  • Supporting and cooperating with school personnel to help our children succeed and reach their potential
  • Encouraging peaceful resolution of conflicts and discouraging disrespectful, violent, or aggressive behaviour to solve problems
  • Not intervening in the SMIS educational processes or interfering with SMIS personnel as they carry out their duties and/or responsibilities
  • Being a positive role model that reflects the School’s ethos
  • Making sure that children attend school as regularly as possible and are on time
  • Complying with the uniform policy
  • Providing suitable conditions at home for doing homework; by checking it is done and by signing the appropriate records when requested
  • Working with the School to maintain good standards of work and behaviour.  Attending school events and parent-teacher consultations.
  • Informing the School of any problems or difficulties concerning your child
  • Informing the School of any change of address or circumstances which may affect the smooth administration of the School
  • Following the School’s policy on parking outside the School

Reconsideration of Enrolment

Upon enrolment, all parents agree to abide by the school mission, vision and values.  Parents are expected to be positive and supportive and compliant with the Parent Code of Conduct.

Breach of the above may result in the Head of School banning an individual from School grounds, suspension of, and/or cancellation, of enrolment.

Child’s Behaviour

A child’s enrolment at St. Michael’s will be reconsidered and possibly cancelled, if the child’s behaviour does not repeatedly meet the expected standard of conduct.

Unacceptable behaviours by the child include (but are not limited to):

  • Bullying, harassing or intimidating behaviour towards the School community
  • Misbehaviour causing harm or disruption
Call Us At 078-231-8885 for Admissions Information