Guiding Statements

Mission, Vision, School Values & Motto

Our Mission

St. Michael’s, a British international school in the Anglican tradition, provides a quality education within a positive culture of excellence and a caring family community.

Our Vision

St. Michael’s International School will be the school of choice for primary education for the international community.  Its education will be based on Christian principles which promote understanding, tolerance and friendship and will encompass the spiritual, educational, social and physical development of students. The education will provide a well-rounded solid foundation upon which our children can grow up to become open-minded, caring, compassionate and responsible global citizens.

Our School Values

  • Responsibility
  • Endeavour
  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Compassion
  • Respect
  • Tolerance

Our school motto

Growing, working, learning together.

St. Michael’s guiding statements are made up of a vision, mission and set of school values that are all embedded into daily life, and interwoven into school strategic planning.  Aspects of the mission are explored as part of both the recruitment and admissions process to ensure a good match between what the school offers and new staff and new families.  Aware of the importance of making them accessible to our young learners, aspects of our guiding statements are represented throughout school using child friendly, concrete examples expressed in the form of our school mascots.  Implementing the International Primary Curriculum is a good example of the school’s commitment to shape the international nature of the school for all students.

As a community of life-long learners, St. Michael’s plans regular opportunities for faculty, students, parents and Council members to review progress and indicators towards the mission through an annual evaluation cycle with the aim that the mission is ‘lived’ rather than simply an attractive display on school walls.  This includes examples for parents of how the mission and values are lived in the classroom through class blogs, social media, yearbook and school display themes etc… Progress towards the mission and vision is explored through regular surveys, workshops, assemblies and service activities such as charity events.

At St. Michael’s, the motto of Growing, working, learning together is so much more than just a tagline!

Call Us At 078-231-8885 for Admissions Information