POSMs are instrumental in organising a range of enjoyable events for our young learners as well as taking the lead on fund-raising initiatives.  On joining St. Michael’s, all parents are automatically members of this unique group. This POSM group is guided in all its undertakings by its Mission Statement: …believing that education is a continuing partnership process, to advance the education of the pupils in school.
Parents and teachers have a joint responsibility to work closely to develop the potential of their child/children’s spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical growth, developing and extending the relationship between staff, parents and other associated with school.
  • To assist the POSMs in achieving their Mission, they will strive to accomplish the following:
  • Encourage and facilitate regular and transparent communication between parents, teachers and the school administration;
  • Develop effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school
  • Provide a supportive forum for parents;
  • Propose and undertake programs and activities in line with the British National Curriculum followed by the school;
  • Be a vehicle for fundraising;  holding yearly POSMs events to further develop the resources and facilities at St. Michael’s International School;
  • Support new families arriving through the use of class representatives and
  • Volunteer time to assist with school activities.
The objective of the group is to enhance the education of the pupils of the school and to encourage greater parental involvement within school life. On joining St. Michael’s International School all parents and guardians automatically become part of POSMs, along with school staff. Involvement in meetings and events is voluntary, parents are encouraged to engage with activities as much as they are able to.
Parents pay annual PTA dues of ¥4,000 per family. These fees help cover the costs of POSM-led events throughout the year, including movie nights, seasonal parties, an Easter Egg hunt and many more fun-filled activities. The highlight of the year is the annual School Bazaar held in late  April. The Bazaar is an important yearly fundraiser for the school, with proceeds being used to help fund new capital expenditure projects within the school (in the past this has included new playground equipment and an ICT renewal project), whilst also providing hours of fun and lasting memories for the children, teachers, parents and the wider school community.
POSMs hold regular fortnightly meetings and are focussed on supporting the school through special events. All monies are monitored by the POSM Treasurer and authorised by the school.  Meeting summaries and annual POSM accounts are published in the Parent Private Access Area (password protected.)
Call Us At 078-231-8885 for Admissions Information