Emergency Procedures
Late Start

From time to time, adverse weather conditions or high risk from natural disasters may cause school to delay opening for health and safety reasons.

The following procedures will take place to inform families and staff about a late start:

  • An email from emergency@smis-mail.org with the notification will be sent by 07:00
  • A notice will be posted on the home page of the Learning Zone and school website by 07:00
  • A notification message will be posted on twitter and facebook by 07:00
School Closure 

In the event of a keiho or tokubetsu-keiho warning in the early morning school may close for the day. The following procedures will take place to inform families and staff about school closure:

  • An email from emergency@smis-mail.org with the notification will be sent by 07:00
  • A notice will be posted on the home page of the Learning Zone and school website by 07:00
  • A notification message will be posted on twitter and facebook by 07:00
Emergency Dismissal

In the event of emergency early closing of the school due to typhoons, snow or other causes, the students will be dismissed according to the following procedures:

  1. Families will be notified by an email from emergency@smis-mail.org
  2. The students will stay with their teachers until authorized adults come to collect them.
  3. Parents will come immediately to pick up their children.

Please note that there will be no school bus when we have an early closure and in some cases train services can be affected by the extreme weather alert.

Parents are asked to ensure that school has your up-to-date contact details so we can contact you in the event of an emergency.

During typhoon season we ask parents to be familiar with our extreme weather procedures regarding school closure.

List of Useful Emergency Sites

Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) English website 

Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)  Emergency System

Kobe City Emergency & Disaster Prevention Site

Kobe City Twitter (English)

Kobe City Facebook (English)

NHK World News

Japan Safe Travel  Managed by Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)

Useful Apps to Download

Safety Tips

NHK World News TV & Radio App

Multilingual App from Hyogo Prefecture

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