
How we know how well your child is doing

At St Michael’s International School, assessment helps ensure all parties in the education process, children, teachers and parents, know what learning is expected to take place and that structures are in place to measure how the child is progressing.

Assessment for Learning

On going daily assessment allows our teachers to build up a rounded picture of the children in their class, this in turn helps us adapt planning and teaching to meet individual needs and to communicate effectively with parents about how their child is doing in school at parent conference and report time. This on going assessment promotes a shared understanding between teacher and child of the criteria by which they will be assessed and feedback is given to the  child so that they can advance in their learning.

Assessment of Learning:

This form of assessment is more formal and gives us a snapshot of where children, year groups and our school are at at a particular point in time. It allows us to gauge where we stand against other international schools, and if and where there may be a need for interventions or improvements.

Assessment Through the School

In the Nursery and Reception class, there is Assessment for Learning where children’s progress is observed against the UK Early Years Learning Goals.

In addition to this  on going assessment the  majority of the school completes a series of ‘Assessments of Learning’ towards the end of each term, in which the key skills for English, Maths and Science are assessed in a more formal setting.

We use an online system, whereby the student’s understanding of the content taught during that term are briefly assessed and levelled.

The collation of these levels allows the class teacher to prioritise the following term’s teaching and enables the school to identify those children needing Learning Enrichment.

International Student Assessment (ISA)

In the spring of each academic year, the student in Years 4 to 6 complete a series of external examinations in the form of the International Student Assessments (ISA). These are internationally benchmarked assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematical Literacy completed by thousands of students across the globe.   St Michael’s results in these assessments show that in key subjects , our students perform well against the best International Schools in the world.

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